- A once-off reduction of 33% in the contribution fee for apprenticeships in higher education
- €1,000 once-off reduction in the contribution fee for college students
- Free Schoolbooks Scheme extended to all Transition & Senior Cycle Students
- Capital Allocation of €1.3 billion will support 350 building projects and 200 new school projects
Child Benefit
- Child Benefit & Foster Care Allowance – Two double payments will occur in November and December 2024
- Qualified Child Payment - €4 increase per week for Under 12s and €8 increase per week for Over 12s
- Newborn Baby Grant of €420 for each newborn child (Triple Child Benefit Payment)
- Maternity, Paternity and Adoptive Benefit to increase by €15 per week
- Monthly Domiciliary Care Allowance to increase by €20
- Double payment of Foster Care Allowance before the end of 2024
Social Welfare
- €12 weekly increase for Social Welfare Payments, including pensions
- A €300 lump sum payment for Fuel Allowance recipients will be paid in November
- Additional €200 will be paid for those in receipt of Living Alone Allowance
- €400 once-off payment for recipients of Carer’s Support Grant, Disability Allowance, Blind Welfare Allowance, Invalidity Pension and Domiciliary Care Allowance
- €400 once-off payment for recipients of Working Family Payment
- Carer’s Support Grant will increase by €150, to €2,000

Public Sector Employment
- 1,600 additional Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) & 768 extra Special Education Teachers
- 1,000 additional Gardaí & 150 extra Gardaí civilian staff
- 350 additional Irish Prison Service personnel
- 400 additional International Protection Office personnel
- Net increase of 400 Defence Forces members in 2025

Increase in VAT Registration thresholds for businesses from:
- €40,000 to €42,500 for service only businesses
- €80,000 to €85,000 for goods and services providers
Excise Duty
- Cigarettes duty increased by €1.00 per pack of 20, pro rata increases will be applied for all other tobacco products
- E-cigarettes: introduction of 50c tax per ml of e-liquid to commence mid-2025

- Extension of Young Adult and Student Card to cover adults aged 19-25 to the end of 2025
- Free public transport will be extended to include children aged 5-8 for the first time

Capital Expenditure
€3 billion from the sale of AIB shares will be allocated as follows:
- €1 billion to Irish Water for non-domestic capital investment
- €1.25 billion to the Land Development Agency for the development of social and affordable housing
- €750 million for the development of the Electricity Grid Network