You should notify the underwriter of the policy about an accident as soon as possible. If you wish to report a new claim or discuss an existing claim, please contact AXA, the underwriter of your policy on 1890 247 365.
If there is an accident, you must immediately do whatever you can to protect the car and its accessories. You, or your legal representative, must contact AXA as soon as possible after any event which could lead to a claim under your policy. You must also immediately send AXA any letters and documents you receive in connection with the event before you reply to them. You must notify AXA immediately in writing of any future prosecution, coroner’s inquest or fatal accident inquiry about the event. You, and anyone insured by this policy must not admit anything, or make any offer or promise about a claim, unless you have AXA’s written permission.
If your car is stolen or damaged as a result of theft or malicious damage, immediately report the matter to the Gardaí. The incident must also be reported to AXA, the underwriter of your policy on 1890 247 365.
Cover is unlimited for comprehensive policyholders provided you use an approved repairer. Please call AXA claims line on 1890 247 365 to report the claim and for information on how to proceed. If you use your own repairer, cover will be limited to €400.
For Third Party Fire & Theft policies, unlimited cover is available at an additional premium. Please refer to your certificate of Insurance to see if this cover applies to you or alternatively contact our help desk on (01) 4084020.
No excess applies to Windscreen claims and there is no effect on your No Claims Bonus.
No, you do not have to use an insurer approved repairer. However, you need to be aware that there are lower limitations on the amount of cover that will apply if you choose to use someone other than the approved repairers.
To view the policy excess applicable to your policy please refer to policy excess FAQ.
For more information on approved repairers please contact AXA on 1890 247 365.
This is the first amount of any claim you must pay. There are different excesses applicable depending on the age of the driver, the type of claim and whether an approved repairer is used.
Please see tables below for excesses applicable to your policy:
Age of Driver 25+ Approved Repairer €150
Unapproved Repairer €250
17-24 Approved Repairer €400
Unapproved Repairer €500
If you have a claim, it may increase the cost of your premium when your policy is due for renewal. Your No Claim Bonus may also be affected; this depends on the level of No Claim Bonus Protection you have on your policy. Please refer to the policy benefits section or to “What is a No Claims Bonus?” section.
Every year dependent on your claim experience, you may earn a No Claim Bonus, for which you will receive a discount off your annual insurance premium. The more years No Claim Bonus earned, the higher the discount off your premium, subject to AXA’s maximum.
If you make a claim on your policy your No Claim Bonus could be reduced to nil at your next renewal unless you have availed of one of our No Claim Bonus Options:
Protected No Claims Bonus: This cover allows you to make one third party or accidental damage claim without reducing your No Claims Discount. Terms and Conditions apply if you make a second claim.
Step back No Claims Bonus: This means that in the event that you claim, you will not lose your full no claims bonus; instead your bonus will be stepped back by 3 years for a third party claim and 1 year for a pure accidental damage claim. A fire, theft or glass claim or a claim within the ‘Optional extra’ benefit will not affect your No Claims Bonus.
No Claims Bonus for Fire/Theft/Windscreen: Any payment we make for fire, theft, or windscreen claims will not affect your No Claim Discount
Please see table below for what level of NCB applies for your policy cover:
AXA No Claims Discount Protection
Protected No Claims Bonus Optional Optional
Step Back No Claims Bonus Optional Optional
NCB Protection - fire, theft or windscreen Yes Yes
Please refer to your certificate of insurance to see if the optional extras apply to you or alternatively contact the helpdesk on (01) 4084020.
In the event of your car breaking down please contact AXA on 1890 247 365. This ia a 365 day, 24hour accident anmd emergency service.
Yes, you can avail of a temporary substitution (usually if your car is in a garage getting repaired) or a permanent substitution (if you are changing your car permanently).
In order to change the car on cover, you will need to contact the Customer Service Helpdesk on (01) 4084020. Please ensure before contacting us, you have the make and model, registration, engine size and value of the car you wish to switch to.
The car insurance cover is restricted to persons named on the certificate, including the policyholder. Open Driving option (explanation provided below) is available on the AXA policy as an optional extra but must be specifically requested. Terms and conditions do apply.
For an extra premium, with open driving as your selected driving option, you can allow any driver aged 25 to 74 years who are not named on the policy to drive your car once they have a full EU driving licence.
To avail of the open driving option, please contact the customer service helpdesk on (01) 4084020. Terms and conditions do apply.
Yes, AXA can provide cover up to 1 month; drivers are subject to our normal underwriting criteria and charges will depend on period of cover, driver age and licence type.
In order to add a driver to your policy, you will need to contact the helpdesk on (01) 4084020.
Please ensure you have the name, date of birth, licence type, driving history (convictions, medical conditions, penalty points etc.) and occupation of the driver(s) to be added prior to contacting us.
Driving of other cars allows you to drive other private motor vehicles on a third party basis, automatic cover applies for policyholders between the ages of 25-70 with a full licence. For full conditions please refer to your policy booklet or alternatively contact the helpdesk on (01) 4084020.Can I switch my insurance to a temporary vehicle while my car is in the garage?
Yes. Just call our helpline (01) 4084020 and we will assist you with this. All changes are subject to acceptance criteria.
Full policy cover applies only in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.
To ensure that your current level of protection is maintained for travel to any other country you must let us know before you make the trip. We will require the dates of your trip and the countries to be visited.
You must remember to take your policy and Certificate of Insurance with you.
Whether you want to add a driver to your car insurance policy, change your address or change your car, you can contact one of our Car Insurance Experts on (01) 4084020. We will discuss the changes to your policy that you need and if there will be any additional charge to your car insurance premium or any change to the terms and conditions of your Car Insurance Policy.
Your renewal notice is based on the most recent information supplied by you. If these details have changed, please contact us immediately so we can update your details and issue you with a revised renewal notice if necessary.
It is possible to save money on your car insurance premium. Below are a few ways in which you could reduce your costs:
Review your annual mileage, your level of cover and driving restriction.
If you pass your test, let us know.
Once you have checked your Cover details and are happy, please proceed to payment options below to complete your renewal.
Select Renew Policy from the home page and follow the easy steps. All you need is:
A credit/charge/debit card
If your renewal date has passed, or if you experience difficulty using our online facility, please contact the Customer Service Helpdesk on (01) 4084020.
Log on to and click on the ‘Renew Your Policy’ button and follow the easy steps. All you need is:
A credit/charge/debit card
Your policy number
Your renewal pin – which is supplied on your renewal notice.
If your renewal date has passed, or if you experience difficulty using our online facility, please contact the Customer Service Helpdesk on (01) 4084020.
Premiums will be paid from your bank account over 10 months. A deposit of 30% will be required to be paid upfront and the remaining premium will be paid from your bank account over 10 months.
Charges are detailed on the direct debit mandate included in your renewal pack.
Your annual premium can be paid in full by credit/charge/debit card. Please call the Customer Service Helpdesk on (01) 4084020
A cheque or bank draft can be made payable to ‘Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd.’ Please send all payments to:
Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd.,
Christchurch Square,
Dublin 8.
If your policy with us ends at renewal, your renewal invitation will contain proof of your No Claims Discount. If you cancel at any other point in your contract, we will forward proof of your No-Claims discount once your cancellation has been processed.
In order to suspend/cancel your policy we will need written instruction from you confirming the policy number and the suspension/cancellation date. We will also need to know the reason for suspending/cancelling the policy. We require you to return the original Certificate and Disc of Insurance. Once all required documents are received, we can suspend/cancel the policy from the date received or from a future date if specified.
All required documents can be returned to:
Motor Department
Cornmarket Group Financial Services LTD.
Christchurch Square,
Dublin 8.