Retirement Planning Service

Congratulations, you're nearly there! We'll help you make the most of your retirement!

The retirement planning appointment with Brent Pope!

How can we help you?

We'll help you achieve the best possible retirement for you, by creating a plan to help you reach your goals. We're with you every step of the way.

Before retirement: 5-6 years before you retire

To ensure you're retirement ready, your Cornmarket consultant will arrange to meet with you at home or at work (wherever you feel most comfortable) and will:

  • Update you on your Superannuation Scheme and other entitlements
  • Advise you on how to fund for your retirement in the most tax-efficient manner possible
  • Explain how tax affects your retirement contributions and benefits
  • Give you an overview of your retirement options
  • Review your AVC/Public Sector PRSA investment (if any)

At retirement: 2-3 months before you retire

When you're getting close, to help you make the right decisions we will:

  • Give financial advice on all investment options available to you
  • Advise you on how you can draw down or get the most out of your AVC/Public Sector PRSA
  • Give you information about your Social Welfare and other entitlements you may have in retirement
  • Advise you on how to make the most of your money in retirement

In retirement: at regular points throughout your retirement

We'll be there throughout your retirement to give you support and to keep your finances on track. We will:

  • Review your savings and investments
  • Advise you on drawing money down from your Approved Retirement Fund (ARF)
  • Advise you on any Budget changes that may affect you
  • Give you ideas on how to reduce your expenditure
  • Give you advice on estate planning

Book your FREE one-to-one today!

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What we'll cover with you

Settling your AVC or PRSA

We'll guide you through every step of settling your AVC or PRSA.

Single Premium AVCs

Single Premium AVCs are a great way to maximise your money and tax relief, if retirement is coming up soon.

Savings and tax

Our unique plans are designed for different needs. We'll find the one best for you.

Investing in retirement

We'll give expert advice on your retirement investment options, including Approved Retirement funds (ARFs) and Bonds and how to manage them.

Inheritance Planning

Leave more to your loved ones, we'll ensure they're not left with an unexpected inheritance tax bill.

Retired Members' Life Cover

Our Retired Members' Life Cover Plan is designed for the unique needs of Public Sector employees.

Social welfare entitlements

We'll guide you through every benefit and entitlement you can avail of in retirement.

Why choose us?

We have over 50 years of experience getting public sector employees and their partners ready for retirement. We'll make a plan together to suit your needs and to secure the best possible retirement for you.

Book your appointment today!

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Retirement Planning articles from our blog

Some of our Retirement Planning FAQs

If you have a question you might find it in our FAQs. If not, please get in touch.

Book your appointment today!

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