Pink & Blue Power was developed in 2012 in response to a high level of cancer claims. The aim is to increase awareness on the signs and symptoms of breast & prostate cancer. The programme has had a huge impact and here some past participants share their stories.
"It's a simple check"
"Pink Power saved me from a much more serious diagnosis"
“15-minute appointment could possible guarantee you for the next 15 to 25 years.”
“I genuinely feel that Pink Power saved my life as I was caught early."
"I was 46 with no health issues. I availed of Blue Power and I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer…"
"I had no symptoms. Pink Power saved my life..."
Important: While some participants are diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer through the programme, it is not a screening programme. The assessment provided only reflects a point in time. No test or exam will pick up every case of breast cancer or prostate cancer. Therefore, if you have signs and/or symptoms that are concerning for breast or prostate cancer, now or in the future, please consult with your own GP without delay. Please read the programme guide/FAQ booklet above before you book.
The Pink & Blue Power programmes are brought to members by Cornmarket on behalf of the scheme / plan underwriter and is not a regulated financial product. The booking website and doctor service is managed by Full Health Medical.
Please note: Pink and Blue is used to market these programmes as a reference to the pink and blue ribbons, which have been long-standing symbols of breast and prostate cancer. It is not intended as a gender reference.